First blog, greetings citizens, I am Dave and without wanting to appear too arrogant I will say that I am just about the most intriguing 26 year old male you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. That being said I would like to share with you a thought I had about bioenergy and how it effects our lives.
It should be common knowledge to anyone who has pondered their existence for more than 30 seconds that everything in life revolves around energy. Even the most simple creatures require energy to continue the cycle of birth, life and death. Human beings are by most standards complex beings and therefore it is quite obvious to me that we require energy in a complex way.
Visualize if you will the human body as you are accustomed to seeing it. Now visualize a field around the human body, kind of in an oval shape, this field is what I have grown to calling your energy body. This is simply a mass of bioenergy that is always floating around human beings, something that cannot be seen through our normal fast paced busy eyes.
There are several unique properties of this field of energy but, for the sake of keeping this on topic and condensed what I want to talk to you about today is how this field pulls certain amounts of energy into it.
When you were a kid entering school for the first time your kindergarten teacher probably taught you that you should "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". The basis of this is simple: if everyone acted decently the world would be a decent place.
Unfortunately some people seem to have lost this basic idea of being peaceful in favor of throwing negativity all about them. They scowl at passerby's on the street, they bitch out the waitress when their food is not prepared properly and all in all act like spoiled little petty beings. Now these people unknowingly are setting themselves up to have the same energy thrown right back at them. And the reason for this is the sticky quality of energy.
Have you ever been in an environment with a group of people where everyone is just having a great time? Just one of those moments where the egos drop for a bit and everyone around is just relaxed and enjoying their existence with one another. Chances are you have. That situation to me is more than just a good group of friends, that is a mass of bioenergy being tossed back and forth between these people that creates what the golden rule is seeking: harmony.
Harmony in terms of bioenergy is where the energy field is locked into a cycle where what it is giving out it is getting sent back to it. This is the ideal condition, it is proper ebb and tide in the energy world and unfortunately it is something we seem to not achieve very often anymore.
Now think of another time, one where multiple people were in a great mood and in walked someone who was just in a pissy mood with no hope of changing their mind. I bet what you are feeling right now is that feeling you get where there is an awkward electric sense to the environment you are in. This is a deficit situation that cannot ever achieve harmony because even with 4 people in a group harmonizing with one another that 5th person being pissy and negative is just going to send out and pull in any negative energy they can find into their field.
That 5th persons energy field is filled with negative energy and as such it is going to continue to put out negative energy until it finds it. Now true those 4 people are going to be putting out positive energy but, it is going to be amongst themselves and unavailable to that 5th person.
I thought of this after observing a coworker of mine. She is always in a bad mood! The very way she walks is incredibly indicative of how negative she is. Arms crossed, head bent slightly down, if you didn't know any better you would think she just had something terrible happen to her and was trying her best to cope but, that is not the case, she is just one of those 5th people, constantly filled with and seeking negative energy. Now what is of interest to me is that she has found a way to warp every experience she has so that the only things that stand out to her are the negatives. On Monday I have learned that when she says "guess what happened to me this weekend" what I am about to get is not some fun filled tale of going to the beach with her family but, some edited story where the only points of mention will be the bad things she pulled from whatever experience she has had.
Because of this way of being I am fully convinced this womans energy body is at a toxic level of negativity. She continues to have bad things happen to her on an alarming level. At first I truly felt sorry for her, which I believe is something both she and her energy body is hoping for as pity is just another form of negativity. As I came to know her greater though I started to realize she is attracting all of these negative events. She is constantly projecting a mood that immediately sours other people around her.
I am not saying we should sit here and feign happiness hoping that good things will come to us in return. Everyone has bad days, some people have bad weeks even and no one can expect you to put out a happy and positive face when something truly terrible is going on in your life. What I propose though is to keep in mind that there are consequences to your way of being! Always know that being in a funk for the sake of being in a funk is going to do nothing but bring more bad energy your way.
Be aware of the effect the field of energy you carry around you affects others. I promise if you can do that simple task you will find a balance in your life that will make things a bit more manageable.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
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Well written and informative! I enjoyed it very much. I am not sure if everyone has the ability to absorb the energy from other people though. There are some people who are completely oblivious when there is someone near them who is in a bad mood. Do you think these oblivious people still at least subconsciously pick up the negative energy, or do you think they are just completely walled off from it? I think it takes a degree of sensitivity to absorb the energy. And people with high sensitivity are more easily affected by the energy (and can even get overwhelmed by it at times). Thanks for writing this. You put into words something that is very difficult to explain, and you made it very logical and easy to understand.
ReplyDeleteI liked it Dave! :) totally a great observation.